Advantages of LIFE
Many men would rather suffer than go to the doctor. Although the medicine has many remedies. Thanks to the innovative LIFE laser procedure from biolitec® , this can be fast, gentle and uncomplicated.
Gentle operation
The problematic tissue is vaporized in a controlled manner.
Deeper tissue remains unaffected.
The surgery is minimally invasive, i.e. completely without incisions.
Short catheter time.
Short hospital stay.
Ideal for patients taking blood-thinning medication.
No blood transfusion needed.
Ideal control of undesirable bleeding.
Avoidance of retrograde ejaculation.
Your wellbeing
Gentle anesthetic methods possible.
Little stress on the circulation.
Complication rate much lower than after a conventional operation.
In most cases no effects on sex drive and continence.
Targeted sample-taking for a biopsy (test for cancer) possible.